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Pauline Wiebe Peters is the Vice President of Finance & Administration of Payne Transportation Ltd.: a full-load common carrier that operates in all 10 provinces, two territories and 48 states plus Alaska. Payne Transportation Ltd.

is a one stop door-to-door transportation company that will move your goods, in an efficient and safe manner, with their team of highly experienced staff, who bring superior service to all aspects of your transportation needs.

Pauline’s first day with Payne Transportation Ltd. was July 3, 2000: the same day Payne’s trucks went on the road the first time. Pauline explains that her first day on the job was ‘slow’ – being a back end person with no back end duties to tend to – but exciting to be a part of something fresh and new.

Over the years, Payne Transportation and Pauline’s career alike have evolved. Originally privately-owned by the Payne family, Payne Transportation went through many mergers and acquisitions and was eventually bought out by the Mullen Group, becoming a subsidiary of the company. Pauline started off as a bookkeeper, then quickly advanced within the company as a controller and became the Vice President of Finance & Administration in 2008.

“From an accounting perspective, there’s always something new and interesting to learn and challenges to keep you busy,” says Pauline.

Pauline is also a huge advocate and supporter of the Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA). Pauline explains that the trucking industry carries a lot of weight and value – especially in today’s climate, where we’re surviving a global pandemic – and it’s important to support the industry and recognize how much it serves us all.

Her seat at the Executive table of the MTA gives her a new perspective on everything that’s occurring in the industry and how involved the Association is with discussing policies, lobbying with government and advocating for the industry. Throughout her 10-plus years, serving as a Board member and now as an Executive, Pauline says that her experiences have been educational and rewarding.

Terry Shaw, Executive Director of the MTA, is grateful for Pauline’s presence and perspective on the Board and Executive level, stating, “Pauline has been in our industry for over two decades and has been an MTA Board and Executive member for a good portion of that. All of our members bring their unique perspectives to our Board discussions; however, Pauline’s skills and experience from the finance and administration perspective are extremely helpful, especially because she is so generous in her willingness to share them.”

Pauline describes her career at Payne Transportation as being a ‘really fun journey’ – growing with the company, getting to know the drivers, and building a lot of great memories together. “When we started, we were fairly small but we grew quite rapidly. And because we were so small, I got to meet those individuals and get to know them personally. Even now, we have that family feel to our corporation even though we’re a part of a bigger organization.”

Pauline explains that the ‘family feel’ within the company speaks highly to Payne Transportation’s corporate culture, where they have an open door policy and ensure that everyone feels they’re a part of the team, not just a number.

At Payne Transportation, there are a lot of areas/specialities you can build your career around. As an owner operator company, professional drivers have the opportunity and flexibility to go out there, explore the world and serve communities; meanwhile, have the support of Pauline and her team to tend to the back end responsibilities, such as billing and collections. Pauline explains that there’s other career options as well – working in logistics or licensing; and being a dispatcher, safety officer or mechanic. “We as a company alone can support so many different types of careers and there’s a lot of opportunities,” says Pauline.

To learn about Payne Transportation Ltd. and their service offerings, visit


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