Spring 2018 News

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As industry participants, we all know that staffing your operation can be a great challenge. Not only is there a nation-wide truck driver shortage, but also experienced drivers can be very difficult to come by. As part of an on-going effort to promote truck transport as a viable career option to younger generations, the STA will be representing its membership at the Stepping Stones Career Fair at

the International Trade Centre in Regina on April 25. The career fair features organizations who are committed to hiring First Nation, Metis and Inuit people is open to all and encourages participation from secondary and post secondary students.

The STA will represent truck transport as a prosperous industry for both students and those looking for a new career and will be spreading the message that there are jobs beyond being a driver. Dispatch, management and technicians are also needed by industry, great local jobs about which the general public needs to be further educated.

Promoting the industry to the public is a role the STA takes very seriously.

Education on available opportunities, sharing the road with commercial vehicles, and the key role truck transport plays in the lives of Canadians are just a few of the key areas on which the STA focuses. Member companies are invited to share printed and promotional material with the STA for the upcoming show. To have your company information showcased at the event, please contact Russ Turgeon at 306-569-9696


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