Summer 2018

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The Saskatchewan Trucking Association Board of Directors, staff and membership, along with the Canadian Trucking Alliance and other provincial trucking Associations across Canada, have sent their sincerest condolences to the victims, families and friends of those whose lives were lost in the truck-bus collision near the intersection of Highways 35 and 335 in Saskatchewan on April 6, 2018.

Trucking association members from across this country are all part of small-town Saskatchewan. Our children play hockey, they travel the highways and this incident has struck home for each one of us.
Over this past week, there has been a tremendous amount of support and outreach in the wake of this tragedy. Now it’s our turn to step up as an industry, locally and nationally, to show that our top priority is promoting a culture of safety.

The trucking industry has always been generous and answered the call to assist Canadians in times of need. We have heard your voices from across the country that you want to help. The STA, with the assistance of the CTA, will coordinate a national fundraising effort – titled All Roads Lead To Safety – for first responders in Saskatchewan. They are the men and women who are at the front lines after a disastrous event and deserve our support for their commitment and bravery.

The funds raised will be given to the Saskatchewan Volunteer Fire Fighters Association to support mental health initiatives, counselling and training for first responders. Once the dust settles from this tragedy, there will be a bevy of individuals who will need access to support services to cope with the traumas they have witnessed. The first responders in Saskatchewan are volunteers who give of their time freely to help others in need. Eighty percent of the firefighters are also the medical first responders. This organization has a minimal budget of $10,000 for assisting with counselling, training, peer counselling and stress management education.

We will begin raising money immediately and we would ask that all donations be sent no later than June 15, 2018. Your cheque is to be payable to:

Saskatchewan Volunteer Fire Fighters Association
c/o Saskatchewan Trucking Association
103 Hodsman Road, Regina, SK S4N 5W5

The SVFFA will issue a receipt to each company that donates.
Over the next few weeks the STA and CTA will continue to provide a strong and united voice expressing our support for our fellow Canadians when they are down. The trucking industry, which plays a vital role in our economy, values the lives of everyone who shares the roads with us. This is why our message of “All Roads Lead to Safety” needs to be a strong one in the coming weeks.

Please don’t delay in joining this important fundraising effort. Show Canada how the trucking industry stands up and takes leadership in our respective communities. Donate now.

Saskatchewan Trucking Association
Susan Ewart, Executive Director


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